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the performing arts at
Oak Park and River Forest
High School



Events Calendar

 April 10 @ 7pm--
 APPLAUSE! meeting 


April 2 @ 8 am--

Flower Sale begins

 May 10 @ 5 pm--

Flower Sale Closes

  May 17--

Flower Sale Pickup

(Pilgrim Congregational Church

Parking lot--

460 Lake Street)

Details will be mailed to participating students



Supporting the Performing Arts at Oak Park and River Forest High School

Band  •  Choir  •  Orchestra  •  Theatre  •  Dance




APPLAUSE! promotes and enhances the student experience in OPRFHS’ performing arts by engaging its members in volunteer activities that:


  • Support and celebrate the performing arts curriculum

  • Encourage, facilitate, and initiate extra-curricular and enrichment opportunities for performing arts students


APPLAUSE!, made up of dedicated parents, community, alumni, volunteers and educators, has widened its support to include all performing arts at the high school.

next big thing






New Site for Online Sponsorships


OPRF no longer allows organizations like Applause! to use the Revtrak system to process sponsorship or other donations.  To make your sponsorship donation online, use the "Donate now" button above and it will take you to the Applause! online store (powered by Square).  It is a fully secure site, even if it's not as familiar as Revtrak.  Sponsorship acknowledgement letters will be emailed unless you provide a mailing address in the "notes to merchant" box at checkout.



Next Big Thing

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© 2016 APPLAUSE!

Site Photo credits:  Greg Meadors, Steve Scheuring, Steve Beck

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